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Get Started

together we can experience a taste of heaven now

"In Grand Junction As In Heaven” is more than a phrase; it’s a movement. We believe that Heaven is near and wants to meet each and everyone of us in incredible ways. Watch the videos below and see how you can join us for what could literally transform our city, and our world. 

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The What & The Why

What is this all about? Well let us tell you with this quick 3 minute video!

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Need a little help?

Are you a struggling single mom, foster or adoption family, or widows/widower? We want to help!

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Wear It & Declare It!

Grab your T-shirt & Decal! All sales support single moms, orphans, and widows. Sales go live on 8/23/20!

Explination Video

Join us or watch online

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Every episode drops here at 9 AM Sunday morning, or you can come to Canyon View Vineyard Church on Wednesday night at 7 PM or Sunday at 9 AM or 11 AM. 

This series will span 13 weeks focusing on what “Vibrant Christianity” looks like, and in doing so, show how Heaven can come to Grand Junction. We will be going through the circles that make up Vibrant Christianity, which are Good News, Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, and Purpose. Through this 13 week period, we will be able to delve into knowing the who, what, why, and how each of these circles transform our Christianity, and how in process they transform our city.


Join #heaven2gj movement

& share your testimony, prayer requests etc on Facebook & Instagram or go to our FORUM page to tell us how you see heaven is breaking through in Grand Junction.

Stay connected

Want to get email updates throughout the series? Join our email list!

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Get in touch

Canyon View Vineyard Church

736 24 1/2 Road

Grand Junction, CO 81505

Tel: 970-242-7970


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