This was a guaranteed hit at the last baby shower I helped throw! It seemed like everyone really got into it and had fun. I've also thrown in a few baby shower tips to take in.
I don't know about you but I feel like I've been to a hundred baby showers and it seems like the games are always the same. We measure the momma with yarn, make slightly inappropriate comments or jokes about her size and then we eat (hopefully) and watch presents get unwrapped.
Make It Fun for Everyone!
Who doesn't love Disney songs!?
So at this shower we ate like kings! The grandmas of the momma put out some amazing snack and dessert foods. If you want your shower to be fun, please serve good food, first and foremost. Then once everyone has picked a seat, mostly finished their plate and have started to try and make awkward conversation with the people at the table that they don't know, set down your paper game face down. Obviously provide pens to one person and have them pass pens around the table.
I am not a huge fan of public speaking but since the shower kind of started informally with food and the momma giving everyone hugs, I kind of had to "start" my game with a "welcome" speech. Welcome everyone, thank those that helped put it together and say how excited you are for the momma-to-be. If there are other items, like we had brought envelopes for people to sign to make it easier for the momma with thank you cards, announce that! Then explain the game and get it going!
I gave everyone 3 minutes. I had two people who really knew their Disney surprise me and finish in about 2 minutes! So I let everybody else take another minute and then I read off the answers. It was fun to see people be like "Oh yeah!! How could I forget that!" and others shout out "Yes!" when they got it right. So because there was a tie, I had a tie breaker in the back of my mind.
I quickly shouted, "Name the Disney movie of the song 'Reflection!'" and the momma's sister actually shouted out "Mulan!!" so she won! One of the other girlfriends was responsible for getting cool game gifts and she got a cake mix with other supplies.
Creating the Game
I guess this is probably the part you were looking for. Creating this game is super easy, but if you want a custom look, I can always help!
I'm sure my husband almost lost his mind, but to create this game, I had a blast listening to Disney songs on YouTube for almost an hour. You forget those really good ones! So I took some main and some not so familiar lyrics and made a list of 20.
Make sure you create your answer key as you create your game in case you stump yourself! I messed up and forgot mine and had to quickly fill it out at the shower! I cut it a little close. Also, on a side note, remember to bring pens to the shower and if it isn't a venue that people will be seated at tables, bring magazines or books for people to use to write on.
You can make the game in a Word Doc or Google Doc. I would add pictures to it so it's not that plain-jane. Try and stay with the theme of the shower, like woodland baby creatures or pink poka-dots, etc. Get creative! Not good at that? Let me help you!
Need Another Baby Shower Game? I Have Another Great One...
“Oh my gosh, that was hilarious!!”
If you don't want the shower presents to drag on and on, break it up and get everybody on their feet for this super fun, kinda crazy, Blindfolded Diaper Changing Game!!
Click Here for the Blindfolded Diaper Changing Game Instructions!